In this tutorial , you will learn how to create this awesome Instagram 3D pop out effect in Photoshop. Creating such effect might look a bit difficult but it is not so just follow the steps mentioned below and learn how to create it for yourself . So let's get started!
Download Photoshop :-
Equipment I use :-
Primary Laptop :-
Secondary Laptop :-
Mouse :-
Dog Photo Image Download Link :-
Model Image Download Link :-
Final PSD Download Link for Dog Image :-
Final PSD Download Link for Model Image :-
Youtube Video :-
Steps on how to create Instagram 3D pop out effect in Photoshop :-
So the first step is to take screenshot of any image in Instagram as shown below and open it in Photoshop
Then unlock the background layer by double clicking on the lock icon and then in the pop up click on OK
Now we have to remove the image from the screenshot so for that select Rectangular Marquee tool and then make the selection of image using marquee tool
Then press the DEL key of your keyboard which will remove the image and replace it with Transparent background as shown below
Now we have to bring the image for which we have to create 3D effect over here which will look like as shown below
After that reduce the opacity of the layer so that we can scale and place the image properly
Now scale the image accordingly (Press SHIFT while scaling to scale evenly) and place it properly
After that click on Tick icon and then increase the opacity of the layer back to 100%
Now select the part of the image which is out the frame and you want to make it as a pop out using Quick selection tool (Note :- Press ALT and then click and hover over the parts to deselect a selection)
Once the selection looks proper then press CTRL + J to create a duplicate of the selection into new layer
Then make the Dog image layer active again by clicking on it
Then press CTRL and click on the icon of Instagram image layer which will give you selection of Instagram image layer
After that press CTRL + SHIFT + I to invert the current selection
Now click on Add layer mask icon to mask the current image to the selection
After that make the duplicate image layer active by clicking on it
Now click on Add layer style icon and select blending options over there
After that in the pop up select Drop shadow and then set the following , Angle : 90 Deg , Distance : 10px , Spread : 5% , Size : 30px and then click on OK
So it will add a shadow for the duplicate selection
So as you can see that it adds a nice shadow to make it more realistic but it also adds shadow at the upper end which is not required so for that right click on the Drop shadow tab of the layer and then select Create layer over there and then in the pop up click on OK so it will create a new layer only of shadow in it
Now make the drop shadow layer active by clicking on it and then click on Add layer mask
Now set the foreground color as black and then select brush tool and brush as soft round
Now using the brush tool click and hover over the parts where shadow needs to be removed
So after the removal of upper shadow you will get the final desired image
So that's it guys! So now if you guys liked this tutorial then hit the like button also share it to the ones who might be interested in such tutorials!
Youtube Video :-